Resilience is putting one foot in front of the other.
Even during the most difficult of times.
It’s loving yourself no matter your circumstances.
It’s having faith.
It’s writing a list of things that you’re grateful for.
Really hone in on every single thing that you are grateful for.
Whatever those things may be, write them down.
Whether it’s your loved ones, nature, food, or all of the above.
I hope you will be able to pin point something that genuinely brings you joy and something that you are grateful to have had the privilege of experiencing in life so far.
Happiness is a choice.
Sometimes it takes a conscious effort to choose to let go of everything that could be holding you back from allowing yourself to fully experience joy in your life.
Some days it will take you constantly having to remind yourself that you do have the ability to shift your mindset.
With the busyness of life we sometimes forget all of the simple things as well as the huge things that we have to be grateful for.
What keeps me going is knowing that I am here and that I have had the divine privilege of being able to experience this earth.
Not everyone is so lucky.
I have been gifted with family, good health, and so much more.
What keeps you here?
An inner knowing. Trusting that you are still here and still breathing for a reason.
That is present purpose.
It is reminding yourself to mindfully take a deep breath and to notice that the breath you are taking cannot be happening in the past nor can it be happening in the future.
You are in the present. This is happening right now. Fill yourself with safety. One breath at a time.
Whenever you need to.
Focus on this. Remember this. Remind yourself of this.
In this present moment. Connected. You are here, with yourself.
You are brave. Breathe into the parts of yourself that need that reminder most.
That need healing.
It is remembering that our days on this precious earth are limited.
Keep going.
I am so proud of you and I am so happy that you are here.
Brooke Lynch
Pendulum Counseling Services Corporation